PostgreSQL Some important points from the PostgreSQL documentation include: Chapter-1 The introduction to the architecture of PostgreSQL in the book "The Internals of PostgreSQL" provides a high-level overview of how the PostgreSQL database management system is structured and how it works. A PostgreSQL server runs on a single host and manages a single database cluster, a collection of databases. Each database objects in PostgreSQL are internally managed by respective object identifiers (OIDs), which are unsigned 4-byte integers. Data is stored in tables as a collection of pages, where each page is a fixed-size block of memory typically 8KB and contains a header and a collection of tuples. Each tuple represents a row in the table and contains the data for each column in the row. The introduction explains the concept of multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) which allows multiple transactions to read and write to the same table simultaneously without conflicts. It also explai...